Agro Village
we are currently facilitating a Foreign Direct Investment and Agro industrialization across Nigeria using our trademark brand called “Agro village” (an integrated Agri business complex) a driver of the large scale out-grower scheme for production. Our signature project to demonstrate the Agro-Village Concept is a proposed 3000-hectare project in Plateau State for a total encrypted potato value chain fixing, end-to-end, from rapid multiplication technology on seeds, down to primary cultivation to harvesting to storage, to processing, to packaging, to marketing and to distribution. The company is also working in collaboration with its foreign partners, in finalizing on the construction of a 1000 square meter hydroponic system to produce vegetables and flowers for export across the six (6) geopolitical zones.

Conference and Exhibition
The Event is part of our road map preparatory to investing into the Potato value chain and other root crops, along with our local and international partners. While the theme of the Expo is: Repositioning Potato and Other Root Crops Agri-business in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Prospects, the scope covers- Production, Processing, and Preservation, Packaging and Promotion of Potato and all other root crops in Nigeria. Because of its international importance, the 3-day event has been approved by the Plateau State government, and endorsed by the African Union, the German Agribusiness Alliance, NIDO Germany, NIRSAL, and the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN). See copies attached. More endorsements are being awaited. More importantly, we have the full backing of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture through its department of Agriculture. During the Expo, participants would appraise the newest ideas on how to invest in the value chain of Potato and other root crops, using cutting-edge process technology. At the moment, Potato farming is still at subsistence level in Nigeria, due to lack of innovative solutions and application of mechanized methods to change the narrative.
Agricultural Equipment
We are representatives of some of the best Agricultural equipment Manufacturers in Europe such as Grimme, Pottenger and Labinprogres. They manufacture both Heavy Duty and Hand-driven agricultural machinery.
Sunfarming Food and Energy
This is one of the best multipurpose solar farms in the world. The farm has an integrated capacity to generate clean energy, enhance food production, water management, provide education, as well as create over 1000 jobs. Designed to sit on a 50 hectare of land, this solar farm is a hybrid masterpiece, a multiuse development facility that would impact positively on the good people of Nigeria, registering itself as a solid signature achievements of any administration. Where ever it is located in Nigeria, It would be built and operated by our German partners- Sunfarming Food and Energy at no cost to the government, except for the provision of the 50 hectares of the land, and Purchasing Power Guarantee to buy-off the 30MWH power to be generated by the solar farm. The project is 100 percent foreign funded. The electricity generated can be supplied to the local community or where the project is located at affordable rate.